Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm Pregnant!

     We have been trying to conceive for a few months and after a couple of negative tests I patiently waited another month to take another test. I remember waiting in the bathroom for what seemed like forever until the test was complete as my hubby waited in the bedroom. When I looked at it and seen the little positive sign I was shocked and filled with happiness. I put the test down and slowly walked to the bedroom with a huge smile on my face. After looking at each other for a few seconds I finally said "It's positive" and he jumped up and gave me a huge hug. So we spent the next week going to the doctors and finding everyone so we can tell them all individually face to face.
     Almost five months later... I am finally over the "morning sickness" and past the "chubby" stage. I'm clearly showing now and everyone says I'm carrying low. My boobs got bigger but so did my love handles. I've been taking belly pictures like crazy and I'm loving it. The week of Christmas I started to feel tiny baby kicks and now it feels like there is popcorn cooking in my belly. I notice I can feel it kicking every time I eat. I get my hubby to put his hand on my belly every night to see if he can feel it yet but he says he still can't feel anything :( I can't wait to see his reaction when he finally dose feel it and I know soon we will be able to see it moving around in there. My baby ''week by week'' website says that this week baby is the size of a large tomato. My next doctors appointment is Tuesday the 18th (2 days after my birthday). I'll be 20 weeks and we will be able to find out the sex of the baby...fingers crossed for a GIRL!

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